Monthly Archives: September 2014

Trying to Find the Ocean at NY Art Book Fair

Signed copies of “Trying to Find the Ocean” will be available for sale at the NY Art Book Fair tomorrow through Sunday. Swing by Empty Stretch publisher’s table (in the small press dome) to check it out and ES’ great publications, including the release of their heralded and latest Petty Thieves volume, #5.

As always, TTFTO is available here for purchase at

NY Art Book Fairwebsite


. . . . . . Buy art books, they make the world a more interesting place . . . . . .

Mark Alice Durant on Michael Ast’s “Trying to Find the Ocean”

Mark Alice Durant’s essay from Trying to Find the Ocean now featured on Saint Lucy – Durant’s extraordinarily insightful website about contemporary photography and art.

Complete Essay Here at Saint Lucy

Michael Ast, Mark Alice Durant, Saint Lucy, Trying to Find the Ocean, photography essay, Baltimore, photobook, afterword essay

Interview, Bucks County Herald – Self-publishing & Trying to Find the Ocean

A local newspaper, the Bucks County Herald, spoke with me last week about self-publishing and Trying to Find the Ocean. The Summer saw great sales after releasing my book in June. I’m pleased TTFTO has been shipped to many parts of the globe. Much thanks to everyone who purchased a copy and showed interest in the publication thus far.

michael ast, michaelast, trying to find the ocean, self-publishing, photobook, michael ast interview, photo book, bucks county, bucks county herald, photographer, baltimore

Interview, Bucks County Herald (Sept. 11, 2014)