Negative / Fireworks © 2016
One of the greatest honors that I have ever received is the respect and insight that artist and writer Mark Alice Durant shared in his afterword essay in my first photobook. I learned things about my particular use of the camera and my psychology with photography that I had never thought about. Mark offers that up with each artist and the art he writes about. Donating to the publication of his book here, and his Saint Lucy Books imprint, goes without the slightest hesitation. His essays and interviews alone, found on his plentiful arts-based website “Saint Lucy”, is a testament to his skilled examination, let alone the numerous writings he’s penned for the industry’s most aesthetically provoking magazines and monographs. The education he brings forth is something that few writers can offer, in a language and style that is convincing, tangible and inspiring. Get ready for good things to come with Mark at the helm. If you aren’t already familiar with his writings, be sure to visit SAINT LUCY. I’m certain you’ll find the experience stimulating and consider donating to this promise of a brilliant publishing endeavor.
See Mark’s Kickstart project -> Mark Alice Durant, 27 Contexts, Saint Lucy Books
© Mark Alice Durant, 2016