I’ve been invited as guest photographer to shoot the 7th annual “Natura: Naked in Nature” 2020 calendar (dance theme edition). All couples, female and male models have been chosen. A photo here from the initial photo shoot this week – a bunch of fun with Tracy & Magi (and the most energetic, giving soul – Urszula Abolik, who is the producer, designer and publisher of the calendar project, along with her partner Barnaby Ruhe).
“Natura. Naked in Nature. Calendar project crosses diverse boundaries of subjects and environments: The Nevada desert at Burningman, Pennsylvania forest, city of Havana. The phsical body is a temple for the soul. We claim our space in the ambient culture.” (excerpt from 2019 calendar)
Calendars to be printed in October. NYC and Lehigh Valley, PA release parties to be held in early December. Further info to be followed up.

Natura: Naked in Nature © Michael Ast, 2019