monotypes, 2.26.14 (© Michael Ast)
House & Car, Near Akron, Alabama (© William Christenberry)
I wish I lived in Spain . . . one of the most consistent and exemplary artist working in photography, sculpture, painting, drawing, doll-making . . . you name it, a humble and dedicated artist to his maternal home of Hale County . . . William Christenberry. This website, beautifully designed by Fundación MAPFRE, showcases Christenberry’s photography and much of his oeuvre. The retrospective is currently showing at Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid, and then travels to Centro José Guerrero in Granada, Spain. Be sure to journey through the gallery via the “virtual tour”, too. It’s fantastic.
View Exhibit/Fundación MAPFRE here
House, Near Akron, Alabama (© William Christenberry)
I favor November to October, when the floor is littered with failure and a tarnished gold. It’s then I walk straight into the bramble, foothold in the musty, leafy mud, fingers in the rough-hewn skin of the walnut tree and pull myself in.
So much gained inside that ordained thicket.
I find myself eventually taciturn at home, horizontal on the front yard, peering up to dark. My feet feel faint, lightweight and soft, as if bathed in epsom salt for hours.
November . . . she is like that sometimes despite them bare branches seeming to spite us.
The first thing I heard was a grandmother killed picking okra in her fields, her grandson full of shrapnel, his father, the school teacher pleading on Capitol Hill to the Nobel Peace Prize president’s men about them lethal hawks hovering near by his schoolyard. I heard the daily jackhammer pound the length of the median strip . . . I put on Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Bad mistake. Bagpipes morphing into drone guitars, ominous sky, kinks in the chevron flight. The world might just implode today. At least it feels like it should.
Morning walk. Sunday. The dew drops fooled me for rain. Acorns strike gutters, my neighbors car. The neighborhood is two shades more yellow today. Not knowing my insects, is that monotone whistle a cicada? Feeling guilty for a moment, then jealous, thinking of Gary Snyder’s native knowledge. Crows caw. United Church of Christ bells in the distance. A thump in the woods, then again. I love the wet pavement this time of year, it runs straight through me. I can’t begin to translate the language I walk on, along graveled Peach Lane, how it meanders through perfect woods and introduces audible overload at this hour after dawn. I question how many silly fools tired themselves already with the government shutdown, picking sides hopelessly. And how much beauty they’ve already missed today in their morning clothes.
Photos: Sunday Morning Walk, Spinnerstown (Michael Ast © 2013)
Emmett, Blacktop Beach (© Michael Ast, 2013)
Feels good to get back in the printmaking studio!
I’ve added a couple latest prints and will be posting more to my gallery in the coming weeks and months. Cheers!
A few of my photo-based etchings will be featured at the J.B. Kline & Son Gallery in Lambertville, NJ.
A group photography show on view through June, 2013.
Opening reception is Saturday, June 8th, 6-9:00.
Holidays in the western world, we all know, are a blasphemous experience. Commercialism has obviously defeated the sacred, which has always been its underlying mission. A long, but successful journey, material value has conquered the invaluable with the majority of capable minds. The notion, which I retaliate against consciously with limited success, is precisely why I advocate walking. I’m fortunate to walk and live among a few square miles still dominated by decent vistas and farms that were born from its demands on the locals attuned to it.
Religious holidays don’t align much with my spiritual beliefs about existence. However, they do remind and necessitate me in times when I have wavered from spiritual outlook, to peer inside at my emotive stirrings. I sincerely believe that creativity came to me as a gift from a pair of slender, divine hands while awakening in the womb. Eternally thankful, gratefully, I’m able to resurrect that energy, which, like anyone, falls dormant sometimes in a brutally superficial world.
These images were made on Easter morning during a long pensive walk by my lonesome. A half mile into my walk that pensiveness disappeared into impulsive looking, as it always seems to do. The great American poet Robert Bly tells us that the outer world is there to pull us out. Of course, it’s not all dollar signs and Chinese goods before us. What I found in my immediate environment was a winter’s worth of invaluable soul food alive in earthen colors, shaking off the cold, leaning towards Spring . . . myself included – a pale, light-footed consumer of what’s real.
The images claim nothing in forms of achievement, but exist simply as homage to Nature and the charitable union it offers to a longing soul.
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All images © Michael Ast 2013